Sunday, October 31, 2010

Assignment 11 P 1

Twerski, Abraham J. "Treating Physician Substance Abuse." Interview by Christopher Guadagnino,. Physicians News. Mar. 1997. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. <>.

I think the writer’s main points are that his rehab center is great at preventing relapses in physician drug abusers. Another main point is how to detect if a physician is abusing.

“The recovery rate is extremely high.”
“Physicians who know that a colleague has an alcohol or drug problem should talk with the family of the physician.”

This expands on what needs to be done when a physician is abusing and the treatment that is done. It is actual information from a doctor that runs a rehab center which can show treatment can be done.

This information can be used to explain treatment for physicians and what is effective and what isn’t. It also shows how what you can do when you think a physician is abusing.

This source is very creditable because it is an interview done by someone how has there PhD. The interviewee is an MD and runs his own rehab center. Both are very creditable sources.

I see this connecting some parts of my other research with how it goes about some of its methods of rehab; I also see some that haven’t been mentioned. I can also see how some of its information is the same as the newspaper article.

Assignment 10 P 3

Thompson, Cheryl W. "Medical Boards Let Physicians Practice Despite Drug Abuse (" Washington Post 10 Apr. 2005. Washington Post - Politics, National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - Web. 01 Nov. 2010. <>.

I think the writer’s main points are that physicians are abusing drugs and medicine boards aren’t doing much to prevent it. I also think another point is that something needs to be changed because it isn’t working.

“Of the 74 physicians, 53 percent have been disciplined more than once for alcohol or drug use during their medical careers. Nine were sanctioned at least three times by the same board.”
“Medical boards should become more proactive in assessing doctors and patient safety instead of using the current system, which primarily reacts to complaints.”

This article shows how not much is being done which is something I haven’t researched about physician drug abuse. I can also see it really connecting it to the real world because it names specific cases including the doctor’s names.

I plan on using this source to connect my essay to the real world with actual cases. I also see it expanding on the whole view of physician drug abuse.

I would say that this source isn’t the best to credit because it is from a newspaper and not a scholarly journal. The article was also written five years ago but it does still relate to what is happening today.

I can see this connecting to my other articles because it is about physician drug abuse but it adds more depth because it uses actual doctors while the others write in a more general sense.

Assignment 10 P 2

Travis, John. "Anesthesia's Addiction Problem." Science 306.5699 (2004): 1126-1127. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 31 Oct. 2010.

I think the writers main point is that among physician drug abusers anesthesiologist make up the most. He reason for saying this is because he thinks they are exposed to small traces through the air during surgery.

“Anesthesiologists represented less than 6% of all physicians in the state but made up almost 25% of the physicians monitored for substance-abuse disorders.”
“Physicians may become primed for drug abuse because they chronically inhale small amounts of anesthetics that sensitize the brain's reward pathways.”

This article builds on why physician and more specifically anesthesiologist are more likely to abuse. It provides supporting information and is the beginning of an experiment.

I plan on using this to source to explain why anesthesiologist and physicians are more likely to use drugs. I also plan on using it show that they are drug abusers in general more often than other physicians.

I think this source is creditable because it is scholarly and is written by John Travis. He is the news editor for a science magazine.

I see the source connecting because explains how physicians can become drug dependent. It also give facts to back this up, it expands on others ideas.

Assignment 10 p1

Halldorsson, Ari. "Prescribing of Controlled Substances for Non-Patients in the Educational Setting: Review of the Ethical, Legal, and Moral Dilemma for Residents." Medical Education Online 12.1 (2007): 1-6. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 28 Oct. 2010.

The writer’s main points are medical worker substance abuse, laws for controlled substances, and teacher/learner relationship. Dr. Halldorsson uses these to explain different problems within the world of physician drug abuse.

“It is estimated that about 100 deaths among physicians are directly attributable to chemical dependency every year.(1)”
“Substance abuse in hospitals does not affect physicians alone and seems to be a growing problem.(2)”

I can see this article expanding on the laws behind controlled substances. I can also see how this paper will add to why physicians turn to drug abuse in the first place.

I plan on using this source to show why physicians can easily be drug dependent. I also plan on using it to show the relation between teacher and learner and how it affects becoming addicted.

I think this article is creditable because it is scholarly and is written by a doctor. This doctor works in the department of surgery at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

I see this expanding on why physicians can become drug abusers so easily. It will also give a new aspect because it includes the relationship of teacher/learner with drug abuse in the medical field.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Assignment 9

Bryson, Ethan O., and Jeffrey H. Silverstein. "Addiction and Substance Abuse in Anesthesiology." 2008. TS. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. NIH Public Access. Nov. 2008. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. <>.

I think the writer’s main point is to inform others about drug abuse among. He also writes about how the drug abuse starts and different ways of preventing it.

“Despite substantial advances in our understanding of addiction and the technology and therapeutic approaches used to fight this disease, addiction still remains a major issue in the anesthesia workplace.”There is strong evidence to suggest that drugs of abuse that activate the reward structures in the brain induce lasting changes in behavior that reflect changes in neuron physiology and biochemistry.”

I think this article will help me further decide about becoming an anesthesiologist because it tells you about the controversy of the lifestyle. If drug abuse among anesthesiologist and there patients is something that’s common I don’t know if I would really want to follow this career.

I plan on using this course in furthering my knowledge of what the lifestyle is like of an anesthesiologist and some of the daily aspects you have to deal with. I plan on using it to argue my final decision.

I think that source if very creditable because it is written by a MD instructor and an MD professor so it’s written by experts. The article is also part of a peer reviewed journal.

This connects with the daily lifestyles which is one of the main research points I am looking at. It is one part of the things they deal with the everyday routine and that connects to all their other daily activities.

Hines, Roberta. Substance Abuse in Anesthesia Providers: An Update. Tech. Print.
(didn’t know how to cite this.

I think the writers main points are to inform about drug abuse but more specifically with anesthesiologist. Also to show why anesthesiologist are more at risk and why they are somewhat a more dangerous abuser.

“Those who are actively abusing are at increased risk for malpractice cases (2).” “Easy access to "potent" drugs particularly opioids.”

I can this article giving some more depth about the drug abuse and what kind of drugs are the more abused ones. It also writes about what you should do if you were to ever encounter another doctor that you think is abusing and what to do.

I plan on using this source to give more information on what anesthesiologist have to deal with when it comes to drug abuse. I’m also planning on using it to explain more about the lifestyle.

I think this source is very creditable because it is written by a professor of anesthesiology at Yale University. The professor is obviously an expert in his field and is well recognized as he works at Yale.

This article gives a good different perspective of the same topic as the manuscript writes about. It providers more information and a different way to tackle this problem of MD abusers.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi my names Luke and I'm currently attending Cascadia Community College, it is my second year there. I also have been working at Safeway for three years where I am a Cashier. I like to play xboxlive with my friends, cook, read, bike, and play basketball at the YMCA. I am writing this blog for my english 102 class for my research goals. What I will be researching about is wether or not if becoming a doctor is right for me and the steps along with all the work you have to do become a doctor. This is what is I want to research this because the medical field is something that has always appealed to me. Lately though I have been thinking something else would be better for a career. Thats why I want to do some more research on the career before I make my final desicion. I'm hoping I'll find some articles on what medschool is like and what experiences people had with it. Also the different things you have to study when your medschool. Another thing I wanted to find out about is what are some of things an anesthesiologist does in his daily activities (a field I'm considering).