Sunday, October 31, 2010

Assignment 10 P 2

Travis, John. "Anesthesia's Addiction Problem." Science 306.5699 (2004): 1126-1127. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 31 Oct. 2010.

I think the writers main point is that among physician drug abusers anesthesiologist make up the most. He reason for saying this is because he thinks they are exposed to small traces through the air during surgery.

“Anesthesiologists represented less than 6% of all physicians in the state but made up almost 25% of the physicians monitored for substance-abuse disorders.”
“Physicians may become primed for drug abuse because they chronically inhale small amounts of anesthetics that sensitize the brain's reward pathways.”

This article builds on why physician and more specifically anesthesiologist are more likely to abuse. It provides supporting information and is the beginning of an experiment.

I plan on using this to source to explain why anesthesiologist and physicians are more likely to use drugs. I also plan on using it show that they are drug abusers in general more often than other physicians.

I think this source is creditable because it is scholarly and is written by John Travis. He is the news editor for a science magazine.

I see the source connecting because explains how physicians can become drug dependent. It also give facts to back this up, it expands on others ideas.


  1. I think that this is an interesting take on drug abuse. I didn't think that drug abuse was huge with doctors and anesthesiologist. I think that finding someone to interview though might be a bit hard since i don't think a doctor who is or was an addict would advertise it. I also don't think that an interview would show more information than you could get out of a book. It might in your case be a waste of time.

  2. Ok thanks for the tip and good point about them not wanting to advertise it. I didn't think that is was such a big problem either but there is actually a lot of information on the subject.
