Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi my names Luke and I'm currently attending Cascadia Community College, it is my second year there. I also have been working at Safeway for three years where I am a Cashier. I like to play xboxlive with my friends, cook, read, bike, and play basketball at the YMCA. I am writing this blog for my english 102 class for my research goals. What I will be researching about is wether or not if becoming a doctor is right for me and the steps along with all the work you have to do become a doctor. This is what is I want to research this because the medical field is something that has always appealed to me. Lately though I have been thinking something else would be better for a career. Thats why I want to do some more research on the career before I make my final desicion. I'm hoping I'll find some articles on what medschool is like and what experiences people had with it. Also the different things you have to study when your medschool. Another thing I wanted to find out about is what are some of things an anesthesiologist does in his daily activities (a field I'm considering).

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