Sunday, October 31, 2010

Assignment 10 P 3

Thompson, Cheryl W. "Medical Boards Let Physicians Practice Despite Drug Abuse (" Washington Post 10 Apr. 2005. Washington Post - Politics, National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - Web. 01 Nov. 2010. <>.

I think the writer’s main points are that physicians are abusing drugs and medicine boards aren’t doing much to prevent it. I also think another point is that something needs to be changed because it isn’t working.

“Of the 74 physicians, 53 percent have been disciplined more than once for alcohol or drug use during their medical careers. Nine were sanctioned at least three times by the same board.”
“Medical boards should become more proactive in assessing doctors and patient safety instead of using the current system, which primarily reacts to complaints.”

This article shows how not much is being done which is something I haven’t researched about physician drug abuse. I can also see it really connecting it to the real world because it names specific cases including the doctor’s names.

I plan on using this source to connect my essay to the real world with actual cases. I also see it expanding on the whole view of physician drug abuse.

I would say that this source isn’t the best to credit because it is from a newspaper and not a scholarly journal. The article was also written five years ago but it does still relate to what is happening today.

I can see this connecting to my other articles because it is about physician drug abuse but it adds more depth because it uses actual doctors while the others write in a more general sense.


  1. I like this source, it really shows the worst-case-scenario type opinion. In your essay you should definitely weigh out both extremes, one talking about the high success rate of recovering physicians, and one side like this. Also, don't be afraid to look at sources about drug abuse in general; doctors are people like everybody else. the information is still applicable.

  2. Yea I was thinking about checking that out just haven't much time. I was gonna look for what it actually does to the brain to make them dependent on it with the whole reward center thing.
