Monday, November 1, 2010

Assignment 11 P 3

Marcus, Adam. "Propofol Abuse Growing Problem for Anesthesiologists." :: Anesthesiology News ::. May 2007. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. < gst§ion_id=1&show=dept&article_id=7579>.

The author’s main points are why anesthesiologist are more likely to abuse. The other is why they choose propofol as their main choice of drug.

“Propofol abuse is indeed a potentially serious problem facing anesthesiology departments.”
“It’s somewhat dissociative, and can lead to an out-of-body sensation.”

I can see this source building on the types of drugs physicians’ abuse and why. I can also see how propofol affects the user when under its influence.

I plan on using this source to explain the effects of propofol and what is does to the user and why it is the drug of choice. I also plan on using it to connect past life experiences to drug abuse in the field.

I think this article is good for creditability but not the best. It is published in a journal called Anesthesiologist News and the article quotes an MD.

This source is similar to the things it writes about but it doesn’t go about how to prevent or the recovery process. It does also agree with what the others are writing about how they choose propofol compared to other drugs.

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