Monday, November 1, 2010

Assignment 11 P 2

Gastfriend, David R. "Physician Substance Abuse and Recovery: What Does It Mean for Physicians—and Everyone Else?." JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 293.12 (2005): 1513-1515. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 1 Nov. 2010.
The author’s main point is the recovery process of the physician drug abuse. He explains how it is important to catch the symptoms early for the best results and to lessen the amount of damage caused or if any.

“Referral of an impaired physician is nonpunitive, imperative, and can be life-saving—for both patients and the impaired physician.”
“Physicians who have substance use disorders seem to do surprisingly well in recovery.”

This builds on what I’ve already read about recovery for physicians and shows how you another way intervene without going through trouble. It writes about a hotline that you can call where you can choose to be anonymous and receive tips on talking to a colleague or report a physician.

I plan on using this source to show another way a colleague can help without going all out on one of his peers. I can show another way to treat a physician that hasn’t yet been mentioned in my essay.

This source is creditable because it is a scholarly journal that cites 21 sources. It also is written by an MD.

I can see this connecting to my last source and it expands on ways for the colleague to interfere with simple tactics. Also some of the facts stated are the same as all the sources I’ve looked at.

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